Beginn: 20:00
Einlaß: 19:00
Liebe Gäste und die, die es heute Abend werden wollten,
wir haben sehr schlechte Nachrichten den heutigen Abend betreffend.
Das Konzert mit Lili Refrain muss aus gesundheitlichen Gründen leider entfallen, wird aber zeitnah nachgeholt. Gekaufte Karten können behalten und beim Nachholtermin eingelöst oder an den entsprechenden Stellen zurückgegeben werden.
Sorry/Mi dispiace!
Dear guests and those who wanted to become,
Bad, bad news!
For health reasons we have to cancel tonight’s show with Lili Refrain. Ticket owners could just hold their tickets for the replacement date, that will be announced quite soon or give it back where it has been bought.
Lili Refrain is a musician based in Rome-Italy. Since 2007, she has a solo project in which she uses electric guitar, vocals, percussions, synth and loops in real time, without using any computer or pre-recorded tracks. Her masterful technique and her refined taste, lead the listener through the maze of an unforgettable act beyond the boundaries of any genre. She produced 5 albums.